Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Commentary Blog6

I agree with this author that the media has a way of manipulating its viewers to think about what they are trying to present. The war in Iraq is one of the many issues that are skewed from reality. What was the war about? Was it about oil or keeping the world terrorist-free? The average American probably doesn’t even know what the war six years ago is really about. What progress has it made since 2002? It has made “very little” growth. Where has all of our tax dollars gone to? It probably went into the smokes. Without any hesitation, we keep sending and drafting soldiers to Iraq for an unclear purpose. If it is only for a percentage to deploy so their numbers are good then it is not worth the lives we’ve lost in the number of years. Once in a while, the media shows the soldiers holding guns shooting at their opponent but for what? The answer still remains vague. They zoom in the US soldier’s closeness to death in the violent zone of war but yet what are the reasons for it? The media never present to us the true meaning of this war or the true reasoning for it. They don’t answer to the confusion why the soldier’s are in Iraq instead they ignore it so the war can be perceived differently.

The government borrowed so much money to give way into this war. I agree since the government’s deficit is outrageously increasing why not use that money for our benefit for once in a long time like building better refineries so that gas prices won’t go sky high. The government needs to look back to its own range for a little organizing and stop mindlessly going out their way to help other countries. We’ve loss numerous lives from hurricane Katrina because the government did not make a huge effort in the beginning to prevent it from happening yet; they sent soldiers to Iraq in a blink of an eye. Katrina and Iraq remain unsolved. Rumors got pass down saying that our country is led by brainless pigs maybe from what we’ve seen lately ; it is possibily true. It is no doubt that all that government needs to do is to create more issues so they can remain hazy and unresolved. The media presents reality in a manner just how the government wants it to be presented to the mass public.


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