Tuesday, April 22, 2008


There has been some kind of disturbance with the Americans ever since the American soldiers and intelligent agents were torturing prisoners. After reading the article, “The Torture Sessions” I contemplate how far the decisions will go beyond the United States laws and International Treaties to approve this behavior?
The Torture Sessions

President Bush once again with no piece of his mind supported this issue along with the very highest officials in the office not only approve the abuse of prisoners ,but also they participate to develop a legal structure to shield from justice for those who follow orders. ABC news and the associated press said that all of the President’s top national security advisors like VP Dick Cheney, Mr. Rumsfeld. Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell- participates in developing the interrogation policy. It has seems like all along that these officials did not have the time to plan for the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq or to complete the hunt for Osama bin Laden but they do have multiples of meetings to organize a legal structure to prisoner abuse. Will this help us collect adequate information from the prisoners? The answer would be not very much from them because anything can be “confessed” ( truce or not) when you’re minutes away from getting electrified. Therefore, we should make friends not enemies. Torturing anyone will only make the U.S look bad because a civilized nation should not stoop that low to the kind of violence in search of sufficient information. Furthermore, the amount of time and energy devoted to this stealthy practice at the highest levels of the government ever under Bush’s administration remind us “the ways Mr. Bush and his team undermined, subverted and broke the law in the name of saving the American way of life.” Mr. Powell, a career Army officer who should know that torture has little value as an interrogation method and put the Americans at greater risk.

I think “an eye for an eye” still has its meanings under this behavior. Likewise for the Americans, the government is creating a legal structure to shield any justice so this can means that somewhere down the road it will be okay for government to torture American Prisoners, Americans that don’t pay their taxes and fines etc! Will it REALLY be okay?

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